This was a fairly interesting place. At least to me. I enjoy pirogies. But I have never had authentic ones. Not that these are authentic or anything. According to my date, these are are Russian style, with the potato filling.
Whatever style they are, authentic or otherwise, the actual pirogi was yummy. I had mine boiled while he had his fried. The fried ones looked a bit too doughy to me, which is why I went with boiled. I got the classic, which was sour cream and onions. There were A LOT of onions. He had the chicken and avocado pirogies. So his pirogies were tipped with chicken, avocado and what looked like pieces of bacon?
I think we both enjoyed our dishes, but neither of us found it appealing enough to return in the future. It's a very niche restaurant. We would have been more impressed if the pirogies were stuffed with chicken and avocado (or the other flavour combos). But these are just "loaded".. On top.
The service was fast and friendly. It was pretty quiet when we walked in, but I can see it getting busy based on its location. The hallway to the washroom connects to the restaurant next door, so don't get lost!