I heard a mouse scratching in my wall on a Sunday. I was so happy they have someone answering the phone on weekends. I was able to call and get an appointment for Tuesday to have a technician come to bait. They explained baiting was better than using traps as the mice take the bait back to the nest and they all die. Aaron called prior to arrival to let me know he was on the way and answered my many questions patiently. He inspected the basement and garage and even though there was no sign of recent activity he still baited there, put two outdoor bait stations out and baited the attic as well as he saw signs of mouse droppings. They give a 60 day warranty and ask we wait 2 weeks for the baits to do the job. If I see or hear any activity after than I can call and they will come back at no additional charge to rebait. I inquired about needing possible ongoing service since when cold weather comes I know the little critters want to come in to get warm. I was told about their program where they can come out every 60 days to check and rebait as needed and I could opt out at any time. There was no hard sell- I asked about it. Their prices are very reasonable and for the peace of mind I'll have knowing the house is mouse free it's worth every penny!