Dear little coffee shop that recently popped up at the end of my street...
Thank you.
Thank you for being so adorably vintage and rustic-chic.
Thank you for letting me order a straight up espresso with steamed milk without using fake italian-sounding words
Thank you for making a damn good espresso
Thank you for making a wicked latte
Thank you for offering cacao OR chocolate to sprinkle my foam with (there's also cinnamon)
Thank you for being completely fair trade and organic
Thank you for being vegan-friendly to my vegan friends.
Thank you for not being a snob and having staff that tolerates my lame banter.
Thank you for having window seats so I can people watch.
Thank you for not being overpriced.
Thank you for being right by my house.
Thank you for giving away free buttons.
Thank you for promoting local art initiatives and independent businesses.
Thank you for being in Parkdale.
I like you, I hope you stay a while.