I'm gonna have to hide this review from my girlfriend who is from Wisconsin and a big Brewer fan. To be honest, this is my least favorite stadium to go to because of its location and just overall mediocre atmosphere. It has an outfield grass area, but it is kinda boring. Maryvale is a no frills ballpark, so if you are going to a Spring Training game to actually watch some baseball, this is the stadium for you. If you want to go for the game, the scene and overall experience, I'd recommend a stadium in Scottsdale. For what it's worth, a friend of mine says this is his favorite Spring Training stadium, but frankly I think he feels that way since it was the one stadium he actually played in while in college. I personally like to go to a game and then head over to some bars or restaurants, but at this stadium I check out the game and then get the hell outta there!