I caught that nasty sinus infection that was going around a couple weeks ago and because it seemed like EVERY ONE in the valley was sick at the same time, I couldn't get in to see my regular physician and had to resort to using urgent care. This was my first visit to an urgent care facility and I wasn't sure what to expect. When I called I was told the wait time was about 2 hours and to register online using their "wahoo" service in order to be placed in line and they would call when they were ready to see you.
So I took advantage, or at least tried to anyway, of "wahoo" but it didn't work out exactly how they said it should. I registered at 1 pm but never received a phone call to confirm so 2 hours later I was contacting them and they had to re-do my registration. All in all I ended up waiting 5 hours for my "appointment" then spent close to an hour in the room waiting to be seen by the doctor on staff.
No antibiotics were prescribed because it was a viral infection, which was fine with me. I was given an antihistamine to help my sinuses and a steroid (prednisone) for body aches/inflammation. Well, needless to say I was at my regular doctor's office the following week because my head cold had progressed to bronchitis. A nurse friend of mine told me that the steroids probably hurt more than helped because they weaken your immune system and allowed a secondary bacterial infection (bronchitis) to develop. I finally got meds that worked but after missing 7 days of work I realize it will still take a couple weeks for the coughing and congestion to go away enough to fully recover and breathe normally again.
If for some reason my issue is urgent and I need a same day appointment and I can't get in to see my doctor I'll ask friends for recommendations for other urgent care centers or go the the ER before I'd visit this urgent care center again.