Rainbow Room. Let this yelp review serve as my official breakup notice with you as being a loyal patron. I even would rave about you to others and encourage my friends to try you out despite the fact you have to hold your breath when you enter as there is no air circulation in your establishment. Those days are now gone and you can thank your restaurant manager Jerry for that. I am appalled by his lack of customer service and the fact that he said "if you can't wait well then you shouldn't be here" after we had already waited over an hour for a table (when we were initially told the wait time would be 25 minutes). Not an apology or a concern to see why we were told ten minutes prior our table was getting cleared off and would be ready in just a moment. He could care less and I guess he thinks we are just six customers that he lost for the night but we are six who will never come back and each can also tell at least six other people who will tell more people and so on. So I think maybe Jerry had this wrong and be is the one who shouldn't be here.