Pacific Health Centre is primarily run by Brian Murray, a chiropractor who also does active release techniques and has his own program called Personal Alignment Stretching and Strengthening (P.A.S.S.). Thus, while his services aren't just strictly chiropractic, the fact that he's not a certified physiotherapist means that if even if your insurance approves you for physiotherapy it won't cover Brian's services. Something to keep in mind.
There are also a number of registered massage therapists on staff. Peter tends to be on the chattier side (useful distraction for when he's working a really tender area), whereas Adrienne is quieter (nice for zoning out and relaxing). Adrienne also errs on the side of caution when it comes to boundaries around how much skin is exposed, when I appreciate.
Prices, as well as information about changes in hours of operation, are posted on a fairly comprehensive website that also has profiles of most of the staff.