I've lived here for four years and I used to love it. Recently they changed ownership and things almost immediately went down hill. They raised their prices significantly and yet their quality of care is much worse! When I had a maintenance issue in the past, they almost always were there within 24 hours. Recently, I've had two maintenance requests that I've had to doggedly hound them about, including going into the office and talking to the staff personally. They weren't emergencies mind you, but two weeks after an initial request followed by THREE MORE is ridiculous. This past weekend I also discovered there is a wasps's nest inside one of my walls. It can't be seen from the outside, but when I called to report it as an emergency while at work yesterday, they told me they'd look at it without asking where it is and that was the last I heard. I'm sure I'll have to pursue a solution myself. I'll be moving and breaking my lease as soon as possible. I could have a much bigger house for the rent I pay and take my chances on being equally ignored by the administration!