I was looking for a place to rant about this 'problem!'
I'm giving it a 3 because I've been through before with no problems, but this last trip made me sad.
I know, I'm making a big deal about it, but last time I checked I couldn't hijack a plane with a bouncy, blue, glittery ball that I purchased as a souvenir. To go on I had to pay to have it shipped back to me, in which I have no idea if it's going to get to me.
I also had to stuff it into a small ziplock bag that ended up breaking as I did so and then I had to stuff it through a rectangular hole. Now, if you were once a child you know, round peg doesn't fit in square hole. Well, somehow I managed to do it.
I also kept my friends waiting, but that ball is really fun. I got it at the Hard Rock. If you're reading this and would like to get me a new ball please email me for my information. Thank you!