As far as the franchises for this chain go, this is by far the most inviting. Insofar as emoting a place that would have good wings and fun service and the like, you get the sense that this place can deliver. Hard wood all over the place, you sort of feel like you're in a barbecue joint in Missouri. Not that I've been (and that is a failing on my part I am trying to correct at earliest convenience). It feels much more homey and friendly than other St. Louis' that I've been in.
I once performed here for a breast cancer fundraiser on their stage at the back of the restaurant near the bar before a band came on to close the night. I think that's what may give the place a good feeling. The fact there is a stage, an opportunity for a band to bring the night to life, or a comic to struggle his way through 20 minutes of crap while you negotiate your plate of wings and ribs (me not bitter...and truly I'm not...glad to help the pink ribboners), it provides a strength to the environment that most of the other franchises seem to miss.
I know it's a franchise, but I find that even the wings even seem to taste better here. Huh.