I'll start with saying, they are very accessible through TTC. But be prepared to pay for parking $1.50/30 min IF you are lucky enough to find some.
Another plus: FREE nail trim and deworming.
Another plus: friendly and interactive with the animals.
Minus: $$
I was quoted $78+tx and I ended up with a bill of $132.@# I was charged for a prescription of ear drops "as a precaution". Plus they gave my very healthy and active puppy one shot of vaccination. No sticker for his booklet. I have to go back in three weeks to get one. And did I mention he hasn't been the same since. I hope he didn't catch something in that waiting room we were in for 40 minutes before being seen. :-/
Now to be fair, they maybe better than many other places and probably cheaper. I have heard McLean's clinic are close in price and Rexdale animal clinic came highly highly recommended but too far from me.
Best of luck!!