| - The owner may claim to be simply 'politically incorrect' however that is a statement that I have heard from many a racist before. Its the same as saying, "I'm not a racist, I just believe in genetic purity."
I was unhappy to be at the receiving end of a rant that wandered from how he threw his wife's food out because she'd put salt on it. Which apparently offended him as a chef...or something. In my opinion that is abusive, controlling, misogynist behavior that is reprehensible. It at least points to an inability to communicate and a sharp need to be correct, perhaps a dangerous need.
Furthermore, his referencing 'Lousy-anna' referring to Lousiana, the Shreveport area if I remember correct, became tiresome immediately. He called the population of the area he used to live, please forgive me, niggers! His claim that he was referencing the white and black population fell short when he told a story of catching a young black child he caught stealing. He apparently asked the child why he was stealing and was offended that the answer as that "You whites have been stealing from us for years." I had to leave to get to work, I would have left just as quickly had I not had to be at work 5 minutes later. My only regret was that I had to leave my poor girlfriend there...
Sir, if you wish to be a racist (excuse me: Politically Incorrect) you can do it without my dollars lining your pocket. I am sad to no longer have a place on my way to work that I could stop to grab a bite. I am truly discomfited riding my bike past the cafe and seeing that you are still in business.
If you like your breakfast with a side of racism and misogyny, eat here. If you are a Russell Pearce, Joe Arpaio, or SB1070 supporter, here is your place.
If you feel that people should not be judged, eat somewhere else. Somewhere that doesn't just dress up in bible verse, perhaps somewhere that embraces christian values, not just trite statements everywhere you look.