Locals tend to be a loyal lot. Having eaten here for years, always enjoyed good, consistent food. Locals also don't like being ripped off. Hadn't been here in a few months, and was shocked at the revised menu - not only has it been drastically reduced in choices, but a lot of the prices dramatically increased. I understand if prices go up a dollar or two, but $6-$8-$10??? I don't care if the fish and chips changed from cod to haddock - a $7 price increase? Lobster roll jumped $9 to $26 because it's now (supposedly) Maine fresh water lobster... sorry, there's not enough lobster in the sandwich to justify that kind of price increase. This foolishness shows by how empty the restaurant was tonight. Used to have to always wait for seating. Bad move Station's... how to close what was once a good place to eat.