| - Progressive is the absolute worst. I was hit by a vehicle while operating my motorcycle. The other driver was at fault, pled guilty to careless, etc. etc. So of course following a good ol' smash up/road pizza incident, then comes the bills.
I was covered under PIP - personal injury protection. After my trip to the E.R., I receive a letter from Progressive along with a MASSIVE packet to fill out, stating I will not be covered by anyone else. Of course I wouldn't, it was a motor vehicle accident. Being the upstanding customer I am, I fill out every last page and expedite the return of said documents.
They received the documents, still would not pay. My health insurer - caring about my wellness and recovery - temporarily covered my claims. Once it exceeded $5k, they sought reimbursement from Progressive through a third party.
Fast forward 6 months later: multiple doctor trips later, one MRI later, complete re-wiring of an ankle later, multiple sessions of physical therapy later (and more to go), and Progressive still has not covered anything. I email my claims rep about the simple fact: if my health insurer is now seeking reimbursement, what about the hundreds of dollars I paid out of pocket to cover multiple copayments. Her exact response - "I don't understand your question. We have paid the claims. If you have any further questions, have your attorney contact me." Roger that.
Of course this is only two days after receiving the reimbursement letter that this worthless trash bag states everything is covered. I will be contacting my lawyer bout my copays, and also the money I paid in full for the annual premium that I paid two months before my bike was totaled.
My recommendation - go through any other insurance company. Progressive is straight garbage.