| - DO NOT STUDY AT THIS UNIVERSITY. DO NOT LET YOUR KIDS STUDY AT THIS UNIVERSITY. I'm serious. As I'm doing my final semester of undergrad, I am SOO glad to be done with this hellhole. I came here because of the prestige of the crim program, but am I ever glad to leave!
1. They don't care about you, but if you have money- you're in! No care on student individuality. They want your $ and that's it.
2. School looks like a prison in all places other than vari hall. I'm at school and should not be terrified turning into each corner/hallway, scared of catching an STD just standing there. Places are drab, and although janitors try their best to clean up the mess, it just doesn't work. There's nothing attractive about this school. Maybe the fountain they turn on for the first 2 weeks to show the new meat that they've made the right choice.
3. Security bulletins every 2 days are not okay. I can't say there's been a single year where we've gone over 2 weeks without some sort of armed robbery or indecent act. IS THIS A SCHOOL OR A JAIL?
4. Textbook robbery.. I'm sure with every school, we're bound to get scammed with textbooks. Personally, I have not bought a textbook since my second year because we barely end up using it and then the bookstore wants to buy it back for 90% off? Bye.
5. Commuter school in toronto = lots of traffic and people. Too much commotion through buses and random students from other schools getting off at the YU stop. (I guess a pro is that we have a lot of commuting options)
6. TAs are ridiculous.. really, York, you don't think we notice that you underpay first year master's students to teach us stuff that they barely know about????
7. If you want a strike at least once in your educational career, come here!! Ps. did you hear one professor got ran over by a student trying to enter the school during the strike?? #ratchet
8. Parking authorities are STUPID! I got a ticket even though I had the appropriate ticket on my dashboard. Funny thing is, I bought the ticket 3 minutes before the parking authority decided to ticket my car and claim that "my ticket wasn't visible" ...suck an egg. Also, I sent the pic to York and they said go to the online court and fight it (because I'm clearly in the right) and they still dismissed me. Now every few weeks, I get another mail from the university threatening to withhold my graduation. HA, I'd like to see you try!
9. Tenured professors think they can treat you like crap. But they forget the anonymous evaluation we all get to write on them- ha, congratulations, you played yourself.
10. "If you can hold a fork, you can go to york" OK, BUT WHERE'S MY FORK? Such a bad status to everyone else, and they think york is the easy way out. Hell, I wish it was!
There isn't a single day I'm at this university and don't think 'I hate it here.'
One pro: very multicultural and A LOT OF SPIRIT. But then of course, the schools that do bad academically usually do.