Came by for a car appraisal.
CarMax offered me 40% more than what the manufacturer dealership down the street offered me for my 02 330Ci w/ 78k.
Dealership was clearly low-balling and probably didn't want to deal with a trade-in.
CarMax offered me the NADA Average Trade-In value, and about 10% higher than KBB Clean Trade-In Value.
I didn't want to deal with a private sale so CarMax got the deal. They will auction the car off but on the private market this car would easily fetch more $1.5k than what CarMax offered me. It would need about $1k maintenance work in the next year so I got a pretty good deal.
Update: 11/09/16
Tracked my VIN online. My car was later sold by a used car dealer for $4k more than what I sold it to CarMax for. Still, an overall good deal for me as it needed some work which I didn't have time to get done.