| - This place was disgusting on all accounts. I purchased the 15 for 30 groupon and wanted to stay within the groupon limit. The waitress forced me to order two entrees, even though the groupon did not list that stipulation. She was beyond rude from the very beginning, slamming down our water glasses and sighing. I tried to kill with kindness in order to make her night a little nicer, but it seemed to make her even angrier. The place was empty, mind you, so the bad attitude was bizarre. When it came time to order, she kept trying to change my order from whatever I said "oh, you don't want that." Finally I said, I am vegetarian, I do want something vegetarian. The food was awful. She said she was bringing a vegetable pancake but it ended up being filled with disgusting squid. The servings were so huge I couldn't even eat half of one entree (which we were made to order two). Not to mention it made us sick (I still can't keep anything down). The place was dirty, so I am not surprised. When the waitress saw we barely touched one of our dishes she asked why? And we said "it just wasn't for us" and she replied rudely "everyone else likes it"
I must say, the complete horribleness of the entire experience was comical. If you want a good laugh and over priced disgusting food, check it out- it was an experience, to say the least. I will be lodging a formal complaint with groupon, as they do not comply with the groupon fine print. If you want decent Korean food, this is NOT the place. There are several other Korean restaurants in the plaza that I urge you to try. DO NOT EAT HERE!
The only good thing was the complimentary kimchi... All though, it was mediocre at best.