I took my puppy there for his first grooming and although I did research on this groomer and had a recommendation from my vet - I was not pleased. Why? Angie, the owner, nicked my puppy whilst performing a sanitary groom on his private area and I only noticed this because he was licking himself from the minute I picked him up right after he was done (within 5 mins). I also ascertained that they were entirely too busy - like a hairstylist double-booking to get the extra $$$ then we - the customer - are reaping the negative repercussions. I even paid extra so his first experience wouldn't be traumatic and look what I end up with. I must mention that he is a good puppy and enjoys shampooing and the blow dryer - so he wasn't being difficult and they confirmed that. Angie tried to tell me his private area was "red" because he was licking it and had irritated it. Well - it must have gotten red within minutes then - because it was red when I picked him up - not the next day. I did not appreciate her dismissing this. I took a picture & sent it to the vet and he ended up wearing a cone - what??? A cone from a groom? You've got to be kidding right? No. I am still flabbergasted. They should know better than to nick a puppy and at his first grooming? I was devastated. And, when I went in to pick him up she would barely look at me - (she said it was because she was busy). I will never go back.