I like this market. I have been to the bigger farmers market and I like this one best of all. It is close to where we live so I am not driving far to get here.
The market is small, but adequate for the crowds. The entertainment is the best. Each time we have visited here, there is a guy playing guitar. He is by himself and does an amazing job. He plays all the 80's songs I remember! He only plays guitar and does not mess them up by singing. I do singing part to mess up the song for the enjoyment of Brad.
The prices are good. The produce is fresh. There are a few vendors who need some people skill lessons, but in all this is a great market.
There is also a knife sharpening vendor who I am going to take my knives to be sharpened. He does it right there in front of you. The Empanada guy is good too. He offers samples knowing we will buy the product. At $4 a piece it is not a bad deal. They are quite tasty as well.
The lady that was there selling bread has great product as well. I really liked her prices too! The bread is delicious.
This will be something we go to every Sunday to pick up fresh fruits and veggies.