| - We ROC'd it! For the first year in Arizona , ROC race did it pretty well! Kinda like Wipeout with inflatable obastacles along the 5k course. We were lucky with the great weather a little wind helped with the walking. Yes, you can walk, jog or run the course. But why go fast when you can take your time, enjoy the weather, time with your friends and YOU NEED your energy when you try to complete the obstacles!
A few suggestions would be:
1. Water and food at the end of the finish line (provided, not for purchasing)
2. Some kind of medal or something for all participants
3. More photographers at the obstacles, having seen the photos on the official photography site, not really impressed and for the price, seriously!
Some of the obstacles are not that easy, I did accomplish the Wrecking Ball which wasn't as hard as some of the others. Just big balls in your way and a very hairy man in a speedo with a really irritating voice to annoy you while you try to cross without falling in the brown water.
It was fun, however, we didn't stick around since the price of food and drinks were high. It didn't feel like an after party, therefore, we went to a close restaurant which was filled with the racers.