| - So in my last post and I said I'd rather stick to my car than transit, due to my current job I'm finding that difficult. I would drive to work, but there is basically no parking in the area so if I did drive I'd have no where to leave my car, and I'm assuming taking the train may be better than sitting in traffic. So now I spend a total of one and a half-two hours sitting on the train every day because my job is on the opposite end of the city from where I live, joy!
I'll give transit this, the LRT's are more timely than before, and they have those little signs at the stations saying how long a train will be which is sweet. Most the time these signs are accurate, there has been the occasional time where it said "next train in two minutes" for five minutes. So yes, transit is getting to be better but I still have two huge downsides to the system:
I understand that the city needs to use the old LRT carts in order to run more frequently, but do you know how much it sucks being stuck in the really old ones when it's crammed full? Stampede week was RIDICULOUS! At least the new ones have AC, the old ones don't, and I am pretty sure I could feel the heater blasting onto my legs when it was 30 damn degrees outside. Please catch me if I pass out. So the old ones suck balls, and the trains still remain to be really crowded whether it is the new or old carts.
My second issue: Downtown. I swear I sat on the train one day after it left Victoria Park and was waiting to go into downtown for five minutes. First it had to wait for the Whitehorn going into downtown, then traffic, then the Whitehorn going north, then traffic again, before it could move. The fact our system has to wait for traffic and is blocked by other lines is just silly. Downtown is definitely the worst in regards to trains being stalled due to traffic or people trying to cram on and the doors not closing.