I was so happy to have a fresh market open close to where I live. I usually go to earth fare but fresh market has more of what I like. I like the more open layout, selection was fab and bulk foods was excellent. Only hiccup I had was I asked at the meat service counter if they could cut a couple of steaks I had chosen out of their case into strips for stir fry. Meat person looked at me very confused and I said, "Please cut into thin slices?" Thinking he didn't know what strips or stir fry meant in my first attempt. He said, "Oh thin slices, okay." I see him hand the steaks to.a meat cutter at the far end. I waited for. about ten minutes, even though it wasn't busy (9ish on a Tuesday). Got my brown wrapped package and thanked them. Opened it at home and turned out they cut my 3 steaks into 6 thin steaks. Will try to clarify next time.