I puchased my Fuji 3.0 Hybrid bicycle in Canoga Park CA. It was top rated from Consumer Reports. In spite of this I had constant problems like loose spokes, brake adjustments and an inordinate number of flats. In other words, I depended on the touted services of the Performance Bicycle brand to keep me running and happy. I loved my Canoga Park store, however I moved to Phoenix AZ in April 2012 after only 5 months of ownership. In AZ there was a Performance Bike within 10 miles of my residence in Peoria, and another within 13 miles in Scottsdale. My minor problems and need for adjustments continued, but I found that the PB in Peoria took longer and had much less caring and concern for me as a customer than Canoga Park CA. I decided to go the extra miles to Scottsdale and oh my gosh, what a difference!
14747 North Northsight Blvd in Scottsdale was an absolute godsend. Everyone in this establishment seemed to care about my problems. They were always friendly and concerned. After a time when I walked into their shop the expression on their faces in recognition of me was equal to mine. They were so friendly that I was compelled to learn all of their first names. They seemed to know mine. I quickly developed a "favorite" mechanic. However even when my fave left the establishment for personal reasons, there were instantly two more mechanics, Ed, and John that were as friendly and amazing mechanics as one could imagine. This particular shop requires extra driving but this is such an exceptional shop of friendly professionals that there is no amount of extra distance I would not tolerate to have my bike serviced. This shop simply makes me feel welcome on every visit no matter how minor or major my problem or need for adjustment. I cannot recommend them highly enough!