DO NOT GO HERE!!! If you even considering it, run.
This is the most unprofessional environment ever. I don't know who the new management/staff is but I have been going here for years and after todays experience I will never be back!!!
I made an appointment for 1pm more than a MONTH in advance. I showed up at 12:50pm to be nice and prompt but ended up waiting OVER AN HOUR to get called back. Which sucked but I wouldn't have been as mad if I didn't see lots of staff members laughing and talking and bullsh*tting with each other????? like I get it y'all wanna have fun on the job BUT UHHH not on my time. & I'm not even talmbout like the receptionists talking while the real dentist people worked... like these was dental assistants bullsh*tting with one another WITH A FULL WAITING ROOM OF PEOPLE.
It was 2:06 before I even saw a dental assistant (NOT EVEN MY DENTIST) AND THEN they had the AUDACITY to do a sh*tty rush job on me. Like I waited 3x longer in they waiting room than I was even in the chair for. I'm pressed, I'm never coming back, and if the manager reading this... expect to hear from me