I purchased a 2015 Mazda Miata convertible they had listed on Gargurus. The salesman Lynne was polite and efficient and answered my questions on the first call. I told her this would be an all cash purchase $18,000 no trade ins, no financing, and that I would have someone pickup the vehicle for me because about to leave on a trip.
Lynne asked for a $500 deposit to hold the car for a few days (Easter weekend) until my friend arrived to pick up the car, at which time he will pay the balance with a personal check (Wells Fargo).
1.- I offered Lynne full price for the car and paid them $3000 deposit instead of the $500 she asked to further assure they will hold the vehicle.
2.- Lynne stated the "out the door price" would be $18,500, - this seemed a little high since there was no sales tax in the transaction.
They charged $399 "documentary fee". Also charged $200 (approximately) for some worthless "theft deterrent" protection.
3.- Lynne claimed the theft protection "could not be removed" from the vehicle, however in the final papers from the sale, it clearly states that is is optional, not mandatory or a condition of the sale.
This was a100% online transaction and these people are unfamiliar or ill equipped to handle it. They had no PDF signature service available, they refused to accept a personal check for the balance as agreed earlier by Lynne and double verified several times, so as not to have any last minute snags, since I was leaving town. These should be all in the "recorded conversations" they claim to keep.
They stated my bank Wells Fargo was "out of state" ... there is no such thing - then they changed that to say that because "the buyer was out of state" they could not accept the check as agreed because the vehicle "could be half way to Oregon" when the check clears".
They said they would accept a personal check from a "local Las Vegas resident", in which case the vehicle could be half way to Mexico? when the check clear? Very flawed logic, inconsistent and without merit or common sense. The balance was paid with a transfer from my account to the dealer account in Utah, which is not a problem, had they said so in advance ... and not two hours before I was to leave town, after many times verifying that they would indeed accept a personal check for the balance.
During the initial call Lynne stated the damage to the vehicle since it was a reconstructed "salvage title", and that no carfax or report was available from them. I was requested to sign in the FINAL papers that I had already received an "Auto Check" report, which I did not .. but then promptly emailed it to me.
When my friend arrived to pick up the car he was greeted and treated politely and respectfully. Lynne showed up to make a copy of his ID and disappeared into the sunset, though it would have been nice if she had spent 5-10 minutes getting him familiar with the vehicle.
They also make a great deal about their 151 point inspection, but the air conditioner vents were inoperable and the brake pads needed changing. After all, brakes inspection ... can't get more basic than that ..
... as the heading says ... friendly, high fees and misleading fees, and very incompetent for online sales ... perhaps in person your experience will be better. I have purchased two previous vehicles online without any problems or inconsistency, hidden fees or excessive bureaucracy so I was expecting the same here. This was not a "pleasant" buying experience.