I keep trying Rocky's every few years because it's a Madison institution, but it's just not for me. It's not gross or anything, but it's also not great.
We ordered delivery on a lazy night because they had a decent special for a medium pizza and cheese sticks for $14.99. My boyfriend likes Rocky's so I jumped on to give it another try.
The upside is that pizza from Rocky's will fill you up. It's pan-style pizza and its doughy and heavy. The flavor overall is on the sweet side. My half of the pizza fed me for three meals, which isn't too shabby for my $8 half of the bill.
The one thing I actually don't mind from Rocky Rococo's is the breadsticks. They're a cheap and decent snack when you're craving carbs. The cheese sticks fared better for me than the pizza. They had a fairly good punch of garlic and the super soft dough worked with the sturdier layer of cheese.
I understand why this has been on campus since before I was a student - you can get a good amount of filling food for cheap. As an adult with some disposable income, though, I'll take my order up a notch with some of the other pizza places in town.