Over the years, Classic Jack's has become one of my favourite 17th locations. Now with its newly renovated interior and updated menu, Classic Jack's is better than ever. That's not to say it wasn't super awesome before but now it's even better!
Every time I go to Classic Jack's I always feel extremely comfortable. The service there is amazing and I've never been disappointed when I left. I used to go to Classic Jacks before hitting the bar for the night, but now I enjoy going there to close the night. It's a great place to spend a couple of hours and not drain your wallet.
The specials at this place are pretty sweet! Every night of the week they have some drink on special for under $5. Sunday's are my favourite because you can get buckets of Kokanee for $17... that's $4.25 per beer. I also love Wednesday's because it's wing night, and who doesn't love wing night?
Classic Jack's always has been, and always will be, up at the top of my Red Mile restaurant and bar choices. It's a great place for dinner and drinks. Everything, and everyone in the place is great!