I got their delicious bread two years ago at the farmer's market and made it my mission to find their storefront when I visited Madison this weekend. It was worth the trip. The hot spicy cheese bread loves are unlike any other, even if you don't have the patience to heat them up. The loaves are dense and fill you up way more quickly than expected. The farmer's market sold them for $8 before, so I was shocked at the new $12 price, but I bit my tongue and paid it anyways, and I can't say I regret it too much. Also, the woman running the register was charming and brightened my day! So, I won't say 5 stars because I still can't fully stomach paying $12 for one loaf of bread, but 4 very enthusiastic stars because I *did* buy not one loaf, not two, but three so that I could spread the joy back in our sad, cheesy-bread-less land of Iowa.