When I walked in my 1st thought was "my god 4 years in this city and you have never been here shame on you look at this place" seriously honest. The ambiance and set up gave me chills with excitement. It was classy, spooky, vintage, dramatic i think you get the point. We saw Fortuna the time bender vs the school girls of doom. It was amazing i laughed so hard, the cast was absolutely brilliant the script pratically made me shoot my girly drink out my nose with laughter and glee. So moral of story get your butts down here see a show take in the sights grab a speciality drink. This theater company is filled with people who love what they do and they love the space they have. I too love this space i want to come back again very soon and sit back in a dark corner with my drink and take in all the sights again and again and again.