Lenny's is apparently famous for it's take-out menu. You get the feeling for this as soon as you walk in. The dinning area is very small (sits about 18 at 6 or 7 tables) and there is a constant rush of people walking in and out for take out orders.
I ordered bruschetta and a Primavera pizza. Both were very large portions. The bruschettta was decent and topped with fresh, sliced oregano. The Primavera pizza was was topped with large pieces of prosciutto and artichoke. Nice portions but mediocre taste.
I got the feeling that everyone was a regular except for my table, which me us feel out of place. The small size of the dinning area coupled with the loudness of the reception area (receptionist loudly taking orders on the phone, customers picking up orders, paper bags being rumpled, etc...) made it feel more like a fast food joint than a nice Italian restaurant.
The meal was ok but I probably wouldn't go back again.