| - Need DRIVERS and PACKERS for 1500 MEALS
When: Easter Sunday, April 8, 2012
(arrival by 10:00am...unless advised otherwise)
Where: St. Augustine Church, Hunger Center
2486 W.14th., Cleveland, Ohio
(in Tremont, across from Lincoln Park)
Contact: 216-781-5530
Although most meals will be served at St. Augustine, there may be up to 1500 that will need to be delivered. Per Father Joesph McNulty, if unable to help in person, money donations are always welcome and appreciated. It will help pay for meals.
If you can help, please call 216-781-5530
Thanks !
(FYI... I'm not involved in organizing this. Channel 5 news announced the need on air. When I called St. Augustine to volunteer, I confirmed their need for help.)