I've come to absolutely hate green mango. We've had them a year now and the first couple of appointments were great, it was the same tech, he was great always showed up for our bi-monthly appointments. Then we started getting techs that would do half a** jobs, and didn't do near what the original tech would do when he was there. They tell you they try to schedule your appointments within 5 days of the previous one, to make sure your appointments are always on track, well last time it had been 2 weeks and we still weren't scheduled so I had to call and get them to schedule. well here we are again, our last appointment was 10 days ago, so our appointment should have been late last week, or the beginning of this week, yep still no appointment even scheduled. it's almost impossible to get through on the phone. Not sure why I have to work so hard just to get my bi-monthly appointments that they MAKE you sign a contract for.