Set in a very unassuming building is this treasure of a restaurant. The first time I visited about 8 months ago I got a bit tipsy on the sangria, so go easy with that stuff. The problem was that it made me forget what I had eaten.
This time I was much better about the sangria consumption, just one glass. We did three dishes between the two of us, the Tortilla, the Spinach with Garbonzo beans, and the special that night of Eggplant layers.
The Tortilla is like a Quiche of Egg with Potato and is okay. The Eggplant was very good, but the winner of all was the Spinach and Garbonzo beans.
I have just recently in the last 4 months gone vegetarian/vegan and am saddened at times by the removal of Pork from my diet. When I started in on this dish I was concerned that I was violating my culinary discipline because the taste of Pork fat was very prevalent. Upon talking with one of the wait staff I learned that the magic ingredient was Smoked Paprika. Absolutely delicious!
There were some people complaining about the noise which is hilarious to me. Guess what its a Tapas bar, its supposed to be noisy and boisterous. Go to Lola's if you are ready for some conversation and good food!