| - The monster of the retail industry Amazon quietly but surely is consuming these agIng beast, their mammoth over-head is slowing choking the life from these concrete structures with their store front glass displays and tile floors. As most of the retail stores that favor the indoor malls struggle to get close to the break even point and their stocks tumble it's almost painful to watch them fail as their aging board of directors start deploying their golden parachutes siphoning off what left of the profits from the very souls that provided them a livelihood for much of their careers.
I have always enjoyed visiting dinosaur exhibits and Summit Mall is yet another example that validates the direction these aging, outdated shopping structures of the 1970's are headed. Looking around its obvious that extinction is inevitable, the customers started the process of abandonment some time ago and it continues today, but it's a slow death and somewhat painful for the aging merchants who also are showing signs the end is near. The retailers who once dominated the industry are getting tired and have failed to recognize the changing demographics, the impact of social media or the importances of the Internet as the customer base of the future for long term sustainability. The guilty are easily recognizable it's the same ones that are hanging on to the tired retail spaces at Summit Mall; Macy's - Dillard's, to name a few.
I can't say for certain when the decline started but it continues with no viable solutions being offered by developers who are looking for something new and shiny, the marketing agencies who long ago exhausted their ability to creatively paint a positive illusion that would keep the traffic flowing through the multi-doored entrances that were once required to manage the masses or any other entity including city leaders who have blindly siphoned tax dollars with abandonment until the revenue dried up and the bankers swarmed in confiscating the asset so they can recycle the process to justify their millions in compensation bonuses, it's almost like the buzzards are circling and as scared as the investors and stockholders are they won't give in for some reason, hopefully it's not nostalgia or sentimental value because this black hole doesn't differentiate between space and time and it's no noble feat to go down with a sinking ship. Filling these boring empty spaces is becoming more and more difficult as the open air shopping venues continue to offer a better experience for the consumer who demands more than a Orange Julius, a slice of pizza double baked under a heat lamp, cottage cheese and carrot slaw from a blue hair cafeteria. I want something healthy, crafted, unique and exotic while sitting in the open air, with wifi, with friends, watching the world before me, you can't get that inside these artificial environments that were dreamt up by irresponsible short-sided, necktie strangled economist who designed for profit and never considered what makes the customer happy.
On a positive note these aging giants occupy some prime real estate and even with the cost of knocking down and disposing of these poorly designed inefficient structures that are likely filled with hazardous asbestos laden building materials there's money to be had in the name of economic development but mostly in the name of global environmental responsibility. So when you see the demolition begin rejoice, it could be the beginning of something green, sustainable and beneficial to all of us like a park filled with flowers, clear streams and playgrounds filled with happy children running and laughing in the midst of all the concrete and asphalt wouldn't that be amazing?