I came here on a Friday afternoon and decided to order the Holy Duck. The server asked me if its to stay or if it's to go and they refused to serve me the burger because I wanted take out. They claim something about being 100% fat on the foie gras. I was fully aware of what a foie gras was but I still didn't understand why you would insist on me consuming a $30 burger in your dining room with your loud tv blaring and the bright fluorescent lights. I explained to the cashier that I would prefer to take it home and not have to contend with rush hour traffic. I even explained that I'm not concerned that the foie gras will harden or whatever piss poor excuse they came up with. I'm aware of the risk. But they didn't care. So I decided to take my business to The Stockyards instead. Bad policy = bad service. Therefore this place gets a 1 star.