I'm so glad Rickie's tire got a flat. Well. I mean maybe not SO glad...but glad we stumbled upon Sun Cyclery. This has to be some sort of 2 wheeled mecca (though I saw many 3 wheeled bikes as well) to cyclist enthusiasts. Yep. Those 3 wheeled bikes were pretty cool and very comfortable. I see a guy in CenPho peddling around and I thought to myself..."Self, what's this dork doing on that weird bike?" Well now I know he's far more comfortable with back support than a conventional bike.
Now. Let's get this out of the way. Yes. They did have a Hello Kitty bike. It was too small (hmmm do you think it might be for a little girl LOL?) And it was $400. And I'm not looking to buy a bike.
The variety of bikes was unreal! I truly was mesmerized and insisted on seeing every bike while they repaired Rickie's tire. Each seemed so unique and oh so cool. Though they are really crammed in there and you are unable to pull one away to check it out. That probably means "NO TOUCHIE!" I have to say I like at Wal Mart (I know, stone me, stone me) how the bikes are on slides and you can take them off and give 'em a sitty.
But all in all this was a fun detour on our errand day. Great customer service. Amazing bike selection. Cool store. Hey. Maybe it is time for me to get some wheels. Last bike I bought was in 6th grade...a Schwinn Varsity 10 speed...I think it was around $70. I had to dust a lot of furniture at Bernard's to get that baby...