| - I've been to this location on Uppermiddle road, now under new owners this review is because this chain is trying to be everything to every customer , but not achieving it. They want to be a couples date night, after work drink spot, sports bar, family restaurant. However falls short on all. I'll elaborate on the sport bar comment, to make my point . They have 3 large TV's at the bar that is open to the whole restaurant ( great ambiance ) that's an aside. The 3 TV's all HAVE to be showing Sports , found out that a head office requirement, but wait for it... They are not aloud to put the sound on. Can you really watch your favorite team and not make a sound! It makes no sense , either take away the TV's, or decide after a certain time you can put the sound on , let's face it , it's not family dining restaurant until 12 midnight!