I would give 4/5 for the pastries and beverages, but I would give a big fat fail to service. There was only 5-6 people at the store and 3 staff working there already worked themselves out! There was not a procedure in place for ordering beverages-pastries. A girl yelled out "who was in line next!?". No one responded as most people were waiting for pick up. Someone in front wanted to pay, but didn't get in line in the first place and it was confusing. I was ordered to go back of the line where people were ordering pasties, when I was only ordering for a beverage. I was explained with useless information that so-and-so was going to make the cappuccino and I shall go to the pastry counter to order drinks for future reference (where people were pointing and waiting for the pastries), then go back to the front to cash out. I think I like the Star Bucks system better. When they get busy, they just can't handle it.