| - I'm literally yelping 10 minutes after leaving this place because it really blows ass.... This is even bad by shitty strip mall sushi standards. I wanted to make it my neighborhood cheap sushi place (cuz its nice to have a cheap sushi place where they know you and you know that its not gonna be great but it'll do when you want sushi and dont wanna spend too much), but this ain't it....
First off, I have a thing about filling out the stupid fucking check sheets all cheap, shitty sushi bars want you to fill out. NUMBER ONE, THEY HAVE ALL THE NAMES THEY MADE UP OF ALL THE SHIT THEY MAKE BUT NO EXPLANATION OF WHAT THEY ARE! WHAT THE HELL IS A SUNSHINE ROLL ANYWAY? So, I sit down, introduce myself with a smile and ask the name of the sushi guy. I explain that I'd rather just have him tell me whats fresh and explain what kinds of things I like and would he mind just taking care of if. Simple enough in a empty goddamn sushi bar right? NO!!!! He basically tells me, if you don't fill out my stupid fucking directions, I'm not smart enough to prepare you sushi.
Not wanting to be a complete butt hole and stand up, leave and go to Yasu where they have a clue (a decision I am now regretting) I smile, fill out the sheet and wait for what I expect, the same ol shit you get at every strip mall sushi bar in the country..... To cap it off, my girl and I had one cocktail each, a total of 2 nigiri orders and 4 rolls...... IT WAS $100 DOLLARS.... I HAVE NO PROBLEM SPENDING EVEN TWICE THAT MUCH. BUT FOR A CRAP VERSION OF STRIP MALL SUSHI??? NO WAY... THIS PLACE JUST BLOWS... NOT A JAPANESE GUY EXISTS WITHIN TWO BLOCKS OF THIS PLACE...THE CLOSEST JAPANESE GUY IS TWO BLOCKS AWAY AT YASU. HELL, THERE ISNT EVEN A KOREAN GUY IN THIS PLACE.... RIDICULOUS....