Ahh, Trader Hoe's - how I LUV thee. You are a cheaper version of Whole Foods and have (almost) everything I could ask for, and even grew for me over the last year.
You always have my cheap, easy-to-make foods, and a decent selection of wine. And when you're feeling like slumming it, $2 buck chuck is $3 buck chuck in this neck of the country.
Another case in point to not having everything. I inquired about low-fat tortilla chips and they told me - "Oh, you must have seen that in California. They eat different things in California." Huh? Can a brother get some low-fat TJ's tortilla chips in this town? I'm not asking for freaking foie gras.
Now you would be perfect if you had a fresh deli, bakery, hot foods and butcher block - but then you wouldn't be cheap, huh? You would be Whole Foods.