Howard says Bar Rescue is a fraud? From I see he is worse. Look at these staged 5 star "reviews". Nothing about the food or quality of the drinks (like the real 4/3 stars) but all "scripted" copies of the other 5 star text saying the same basic thing--all about having a "good time" ( WTF does that mean?) and what a swell guy Howard Hughes is. Problem is how many real customers would know Howard runs the place if they were not his close pals or people who worked there? When you go to Burger King to you do a review of the burger NOT what a swell guy the owner is! This ex-Marine section #8 isn't fooling me and don't let him fool you! FAKE FAKE! Take a lesson here folks: Anytime you see a cluster of 5-star reviews on ANY business be assured there is something fishy going on.