| - Until today, I've had reasonably alright experiences at this place - just picking up packages.
But that all changed today.
I was sending a lock back to Kryptonite. The fella told me to grab the $1.82 package. So I did. And I filled it out.
Then we put the lock in - the package was too small - the lock stuck out by 3 inches.
My fault obviously - I should've checked the size before I filled out the envelope.
But his wife (I assume) said, rather accusatory, "You grabbed the wrong package!"
I responded, "Sorry. I just grabbed the one he told me to get."'s where it gets interesting.
Rather then tell me to get a bigger envelope, she proceeded to try to package the lock anyway and it was looking like a right, bloody mess. I wonder why she didn't ask me to get another package? Well, she didn't want to have to absorb the COST (even though I wouldn't have thought twice about buying another one.) She felt responsible I guess for the envelope and rather than package it properly, she tried to save two dollars and do a ridiculous job mailing a package with the lock sticking out the end by 3 inches.
So when I saw this, it just rubbed me the wrong way. So I grabbed another package and told them to repackage it and that I didn't want to pay for it, because I'd only followed his instructions.
They didn't like this. And protested. He said he was only trying to help and that he figured I'd be 'smart' enough to check the package on my own.
I said, 'Wow. So now you're insulting my intelligence?'
Then he proceeded to deny he'd ever said the offending remark.
Arseholes! Both of them.