I used to love going here but now it's starting to suck - regarding the large dog area. There are two times you can take a dog to the dog park during the Phoenix summers - early morning and evening. But, if you choose mornings, be prepared to deal with TONS of mud and huge holes filled with mud/water. They over-water the HELL out of this park and they must do it right before sunrise. I don't know why they wouldn't water during the very late/early hours and I don't know why they refrain from over-watering the dirt areas - which of course turn to mud. Why are you watering mud???!?!?
Be prepared to give your dog a bath after going to this park in the morning.
So frustrating. It's like their main landscaper is clueless about what they are doing or that they aren't paying attention to what problems they are causing.
My recommendation: Go to Hance park. Even if it's further away. That's what I'm doing now.