I called and there was no appts for over a week. I asked the kind receptionist, Rachel, to put me on a wait list. She called me back in 10 minutes with an opening at noon that day!
I knew that was a sign!
I was so stressed out and upset about my vision and extremely nervous. Dr. Van Over was so kind, and explained everything to me, showed me the prisms, explained what my issue was, and was really terrific.
Then, when it was time to order my lenses, Nancy was wonderful! Kind, and also explained everything she was doing and how it all worked!
I can't say enough about how awful I felt when I went in to how relieved and grateful I was when I walked out.
Their offices are state of the art...they have this camera that a quick flash replaces those awful drops that make you fuzzy!
It was just a great experience and I can't recommend them enough!
Thanks, you guys...I really appreciate it!