My wife loves the fact that this place is 24/7. I personally view it more of as your neighborhood pet's ER. It's awfully expensive for just about everything you get here. I would shop around for your pet's spa and manicure needs, but they are a professional, well maintained business, and we have high confidence with their facilities for some more of the advanced procedures like dental work.
Honestly the thing I like the least is unfortunately in my case, probably unavoidable. Every time we visit, we meet a new doctor. I think maybe twice we've had a doc we remembered. Not sure if that's a turnover thing, or if perhaps it's a compromise I need to live with for the convenience of some of their "sure, come get a bordatella shot anytime for $200" availability; but I'd much rather a doctor get to know my dog a little bit and not get freaked out when my 12 pound fluff ball of terror's chart pops up with a "Might Bite" warning sign flashing in bright red letters on their computer screen.