With loads of free parking (you will be asked upon entry, "Are you here to shop?" otherwise, there's a charge) this store would be quite handy for the SUV hauling groceries set if its location (the lower half of Jarvis) wasn't always beset by construction or a pile-up of all-day traffic trying to get onto the Gardiner. I keep telling myself: it's Toronto; there's traffic; get used to it.
Formerly a 24 hr a day location, hours have been reduced from 7 am to midnight. Take a cart up the nifty escalators that the shopping carts adhere to by way of some mysterious feat of modern day engineering or find carts, but not always, stashed beside the second floor landing. The prepared foods and eat-in area has a nice view of Sugar Beach and sometimes a real live actual ship. Produce is fresh but pricey. Deals can be found on baked goods (my last visit : four large chocolate covered croissants for $2.49; but being on a diet, yet again, I resisted.)