when you don't have much time in between flights, mexican is usually the way to go. sure you when you think of beans & a plane ride, they don't conjure an ideal situation. though overall it usually works out. i had the chimichanga though asked that it not be fried... basically i wanted a burrito with everything in it without paying money for each item added on as extra. i found the meat to be really dry... actually overall it wasn't that appetizing. i think if they had put salsa or some refreshing or flavorful sort of taste into their burrito, it would definitely save it. it was bland. that's all that comes to mind. it was definitely worth the "meh".
though as i mentioned before when you have to eat quick on the go you don't have time to think & ask if they can change things. so in the end... don't order it unless you have overactive salivary glands that help make this meal juicier.