Disappointed doesn't quite describe the way my party felt during Thursdays show; cheated, offended, and let-down come a little closer. From masturbating his guitar, spewing ethnic Jewish jabs at a patron, using the audience as a form of therapy regarding his divorce/break-up/loss of possessions/drug use/weight gain to never actually finishing a song in its entirety made my party walk out along with two other couples. I witnessed this decline at Planet Hollywood and felt inclined to give Trent one more try; never again. It's comical that he has videos of fans promoting his show and his talents as "the best"; perhaps 5-yrs ago but those days are distant memories. Trent's flippant attitude and glib approach to his profession is a sad spectacle to observe. My party only represents four former fans but others will follow if this type of show/entertainment/ continues in memory of The King.