Be warned if you are thinking of purchasing one of the Living Social deal coupons that came out in today's e-mail, this business is out of business. They have not been paying their bills, taxes included, and basically trying to scam the system. Check the City of Peoria court records, they were formally evicted in October and have known they would not be in business to see these coupons used. I posted something on Facebook about it and they promptly removed it and blocked me - they know what I am saying is true and they want to continue to perpetrate the fraud.
So if you want to waste your money, go ahead and purchase one but just so you know Living Social has been contacted. Below is what I posted on FB earlier...
"Just to set the record straight... when you don't pay your obligations like rent and taxes you give up the right to be in business. Having said the landlord sold the building is not true, get your facts straight and don't mislead the public. You need to pay your bills. And if you are using the Living Social deal to get the money back you have been reported to them as having gone out of business."