Do not shop in this store if you have children with you! My daughter and I have been in here twice now with her children ages 4 and 18 months. The 18 month old was in a stroller and the 4 year old held my hand the entire time. There is one particular cashier that gives the impression she hates children! Unfortunately, she cashed us out both times. She was very unpleasant both times and treated us like we had the plague! On our last (and I do mean our LAST) visit, our 18 month old was holding a keychain and my daughter took it away from him and laid it on the counter saying she didn't want it. The cashier gave her the mist distainful look and had the nerve to grab a puece of paper to pick up the keychain to move it! My daughter was very insulted and said "my child doesn't have cooties!" To which she was given a dirty look by the cashier!
This cashier should not be working with the public!
Upon leaving the store we made a vow to never shop there again! Why should we buy children's clothes at a store that doesn't like children!
Warning...if you have children, do not shop here!